Sort subactions by due date within the parent action
Winshen Liu
For actions with many subactions, it's easiest to track subactions and manage timelines if the subactions can be ordered from earliest to latest due date.
When actions are added late, we need to manually reorder them, which can be challenging when there are 30+ subactions
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Kelley Bunge
Eric Maciel
under review
Nia Liverpool
We need this update!
Devra Olson
We need this update.
Kelly Marrs
I agree. I want this update!
Michelle Weeks
Yes, I was just thinking about the need for sorting the subactions. We have found the best way to set up our action card projects are w/ a mix-and-match system of templates, since many projects are similar, with just a few difference - we do packaging, so sometimes an item needs a manual, or a second language, or a buyers approval, or any combination of these, and to make unique complete templates for each potential instance would leave us with 30+ templates. Currently I apply the templates to the action cards as they are needed, and then I need to rearrange them by date. Being able to have it auto-arrange by date would be so much better since you can already sort action cards by date elsewhere in Hive.
Richard Pullara
I think we need to have ability to do a multi-sort. Other words sort by column A then by B CC@thomas-kerr-2
Mateo Manzari
I'd like to see the ability to sort alphabetically as well
Winshen Liu