Break out budget into timeframes or categories
in progress
Gina Lockwood
Our agency operates in a retainer-based partnership model, and therefore budgets for many of our accounts are recurring as opposed to fixed cost. To make the budget feature usable for our agency, we would require the ability to set budgets by date range. Ideally we would be able to fluctuate that budget as needed, as many clients have variable budgets based on marketing season or things such as a global pandemic.
For example of the ideal flexibility,
Jan 1 - Jan 30 = 5000$
Feb 1 - Mar 2 = 2500$
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Kelley Bunge
in progress
Gina Lockwood
under review
Gina Lockwood
Merged in a post:
Budgeting Across Years
Meegan Bird
It would be helpful to be able to track project budgets by timeframe (month and year) instead of just total budget.
Stephanie Hajilambi
Agree. Planned verses Forecast would be nice as well. And maybe able to export a by monthly report. Or show by month in overview page.
Michael Denney
My team and I second this request! We are retained for a certain number of hours of work per month per client. It would be extremely helpful if resourcing could help us manage those monthly hours/budget!