Ability to always see subactions in My Action View
Alex Kaiser
Please allow users to see the subactions in My Action View all the time.
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Gina Lockwood
Maria Steger
In My Actions List View, we can see all subactions unless we hide them (filter).
In My Actions Calendar View, you can see all subactions unless we hide them (filter).
In My Actions Table View, we can expand all actions to see all subactions.
So this request is really just about My Actions Status View, which seems to show subactions only when they have a different status from the parent action?
What am I missing, Kelley Bunge?
Michelle Weeks
This would be even better if theres some hidden logic to it, like "show subactions IF user is not also assigned to main action card" that could be toggled on/off per user (not per workspace/team)
Maria Steger
Michelle Weeks: It would be even better if subactions could be collapsed/expanded under their parent actions.
If a user is not assigned the parent action, it could be either greyed out or the subaction should be listed without the parent action.
It is a shame that we cannot see our actions' places within the nested action hierarchies in MyActions (or in other views for that matter: action's place within a nested hierarchy).